6 quick and easy tips for closing sales over the phone
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6 quick and easy tips for closing sales over the phone

Today’s consumers are busy people. They have things to do, people to see and all the information they could ever need at their fingertips. They aren’t going to stay on the line and deal with your salespeople if things aren’t going to plan.  

There’s more competition than ever before so if you’re not doing everything in your power to close deals, then someone else will be more than happy to oblige. Don’t fall behind the curve – use these telephone sales techniques to transform your sales process.  

  1. Avoid using a rigid script 
  2. Confidence is key 
  3. Listen  
  4. Be willing to lose 
  5. Learn from both your wins and losses 
  6. Be human 


1. Avoid using a rigid script 

Each sales call must sound as close to a real conversation as possible. Consumers are savvy and if they start to feel as though you’re just regurgitating a script, then they’re more likely to lose interest.  

Ask questions, use small talk – anything you can do to humanise you makes it harder for the person on the other end of the line to hang up. Obviously, there’s a fine line between a little small talk and hearing a caller’s life story. It’s up to you to inject those moments of genuine conversation when you feel they’re appropriate, and that’s much harder to do when you’re just following a script.  

2. Confidence is key  

Customers will pick up on your feelings of nervousness if you let them. If you start to ‘umm’ or use unnecessary filler words, then you’ll start to harm your credibility. As soon as this happens, you’re far less likely to close that sale.  

This is more than just feeling confident when speaking to new people. You need to be prepared for any questions that might be asked about the product or service you’re selling. When you know it top to bottom, you’ll feel more at ease as there are very few opportunities for you to be caught without an answer.  

3. Listen 

If you’re thinking this is an obvious tip, then why do only 13% of customers believe salespeople understand their needs? Any customer who feels as though you aren’t listening and really hearing what they have to say isn’t going to part with their cash.  

From an early point in the call, you should have a good understanding of what the shared expectations are. If someone feels as though you’ve strayed from that and you’re now pushing them towards something they never agreed to, then there’s no way you’re closing that sale.  

Similarly, at no point should a caller have to repeat something they’ve said about their needs or expectations. Whether that means making notes as you listen or repeating what they’ve said back to them, you need to show you’re present and not just thinking about the finished sale.  

4. Be willing to lose

Maybe you’ve called at a bad time, or they need to get approval from someone else before agreeing to the sale. Whatever the reason for a ‘no’ at that moment, it doesn’t mean it has to remain a ‘no’ in the future.  

The worst thing you can possibly do is push a customer when they’ve already made it clear that today isn’t your day. If you annoy or frustrate a possible customer, then any future chance you have of a deal goes out the window. Instead, realise you’ve ‘lost’ that sale... for now.  

5. Learn from both your wins and losses 

When one call ends, there can be a temptation to roll right into the next one. Many salespeople fall into this trap and miss out on valuable learnings that can help them in the long run.  

Listen back to previous sales calls and determine what went well and what you can improve on. Both successful and unsuccessful deals will shine a light into your performance and selling habits. You might be quick to interrupt a caller or leave awkward silence as you find an answer. Sometimes it takes listening back to our previous calls to spot areas of improvement that we can work on.  

6. Be human 

We’ve already mentioned how important it to strike the balance between sales script and small talk to show that you’re invested in the person you’re talking to. We’ve all experienced sellers who sometimes stray too far one way and become the happiest, most enthusiastic person we’ve ever spoken to.  

Be realistic about what you’re selling. You aren’t having the greatest day of your life, and neither are they, so there’s no reason to act like you are. Speak calmly, confidently and pleasantly – without overdoing it. Keep in mind that you’re not trying to be their best friend and any attempt to be overly friendly can just come across as disingenuous.  

Ready to improve your sales techniques? 

CircleLoop is a cloud-based phone system that allows you to compliantly record phone calls. You can use these recordings to listen back to your performance and make genuine changes that will make a real difference. To learn more about CircleLoop, book a free demonstration today to see how it works.  

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